A downloadable game for Windows


- Make a fighting game!


This was a literal dumpster fire

Things got backed up pretty bad with the reliance on premade assets. I made the move to bridge pre-made assets, with my own custom assets, with newly made assets and crossed my fingers in hopes that everything worked. The truth is with animation, slight modifications to the rigs, and it's parenting can break good animations. Also animating with a bad rig that produces good animation will cause problems on properly made rigs. It's a headache. Cross-compatible animations takes a very clean and precise workflow to pull off. It's more of a tech-art problem than a problem of artistic merit. If your rigs or animations are bad, the only solution is to author them yourself correctly.

I overhauled my text system and it broke my previous GUI system that I had in place. I will have to spend next week refactoring that…

I had a slow start early in the week from the burn out I experienced on Worm Hunter. Not to say it's not gonna happen again, but I am starting to get used to crunching on these game-a-week projects. The CSF program is bringing me back to my early indie years.


3D menus are cool. I want to figure out how to build them with varying screen sizes in mind.

Audio is working! I consolidated my libraries and pulled a flexible system together.

I learned a bunch of new tools for animations and I did the deep dive on animator controller systems. 


It takes a few days for me to wrap my head around how something is gonna work before I have time to implement it. Like, I need to sit there for a few days thinking about all possible approaches before choosing the right one. There's a gamble involved especially when doing something new, at the same time, throwing myself at a task without foresight leads to failure.

Knowing that you don't know is a strange place to be in. I only really had the answers towards the end of the week when time was running out. What can I do differently next time… it seems like it's the opposite of the previous week- work on other shit if the core problem isn't resolving itself.

Maybe I overcompensated in the wrong direction, which is why I didn't feel like I was hitting peak performance this week.


"Stay low. Stay humble."

DISCORD:  https://discord.gg/gvvXQEauA6

GAME-A-WEEK: https://www.gamedeveloper.com/audio/game-a-week-getting-experienced-at-failure




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I had a fun time with this game. I really liked the character design and animation. Adding the glove character in there was great. 

The animation was smooth, and the punching sound effects matched up with it well. I like the shading and shadows on the main character as well. 

The background music was nice on each of the scenes and menus. The opening title screen and menus look sharp and polished. Nice work overall!